Online Readability Test Calculator

Find readability score of your text. Enter text or upload text file and click on check button to get readability score of your text
Flesch Kincaid Grade Level
Flesch Kincaid Reading Ease
New Dale-Chall Score
Spache Readability Score
SMOG Index
Coleman-Liau Index
Gunning-Fog Score
Automated Readability Index
Linsear Write
Median Score
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Readability Formulas Test Calculator

Check Readability Score for text document using the calculator to know what grade level is your writing/reading.

Check Reading/Writing Levels & Grades

After calculating score in above tool, you can convert the result in grade using the tables below.

Automated Readability Index

Score School Level Age
1 Kindergarten 5-6
2 1st & 2nd Grade 6-7
3 3rd Grade 7-9
4 4th Grade 9-10
5 5th Grade 10-11
6 6th Grade 11-12
7 7th Grade 12-13
8 8th Grade 13-14
9 9th Grade 14-15
10 10th Grade 15-16
11 11th Grade 16-17
12 12th Grade 17-18
13 College Student 18-24
14 Professor 24+

Coleman-Liau Index

Index Score School Level Comprehension
5 & below 5th Grade and below Very easy to read
6 6th Grade Easy to read
7 7th Grade Fairly easy to read
7-10 8th, 9th & 10th Grade Conversational English
11-12 11th & 12th Grade Fairly difficult to read
13-16 College Difficult to read
17+ Professional Extremely difficult to read

Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level

Score School Level Comprehension
5.0-5.9 5th Grade Very easy to read
6.0-6.9 6th Grade Easy to read
7.0-7.9 7th Grade Fairly easy to read
8.0-9.9 8th & 9th Grade Conversational English
10.0-12.9 10th , 11th & 12th Grade Fairly difficult to read
13.0-15.9 College Difficult to read
16.0-17.9 College Graduate Very difficult to read
18.0+ Professional Extremely difficult to read

Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease

Score School Level Comprehension
100.0-90.0 5th Grade Very easy to read
90.0-80.0 6th Grade Easy to read
80.0-70.0 7th Grade Fairly easy to read
70.0-60.0 8th & 9th Grade Conversational English
60.0-50.0 10th , 11th & 12th Grade Fairly difficult to read
50.0-30.0 College Difficult to read
30.0-10.0 College Graduate Very difficult to read
10.0-0.0 Professional Extremely difficult to read

Gunning-Fog Score

FOG Score School Level Comprehension
0-5 5th Grade and below Very easy to read
6 6th Grade Easy to read
7 7th Grade Fairly easy to read
8 8th Grade Conversational English
9-12 9th & 12th Grade Fairly difficult to read
13-16 College Difficult to read
17 College Graduate Very difficult to read
18-20 Professional Extremely difficult to read

New Dale-Chall Score

New Dale-Chall Score School Level Comprehension
4.9 or lower 4th Grade and below Very easy to read
5.0-5.9 5th & 6th Grade Easy to read
6.0-6.9 7th & 8th Grade Conversational English
7.0-7.9 9th & 10th Grade Conversational English
8.0-8.9 11th & 12th Grade Fairly difficult to read
9.0-9.9 College Difficult to read
10.0+ College Graduate Very difficult to read

Raygor-Estimate & Fry Graph

Plotted Dot shows the estimate grade level.

SMOG Index

Total Number of Polysyllabic Words School Level Comprehension
0-2 4th Grade Very easy to read
3-6 5th Grade Very easy to read
7-12 6th Grade Easy to read
13-20 7th Grade Fairly easy to read
21-42 8th & 9th Grade Conversational English
43-56 10th Grade Fairly difficult to read
57-72 11th Grade Fairly difficult to read
73-90 12th Grade Fairly difficult to read
91-110 College Freshman Difficult to read
111-132 College Sophomore Difficult to read
133-156 College Junior Difficult to read
157-182 College Senior Difficult to read
183-210 College Graduate Very difficult to read
211+ Professional Extremely difficult to read

Spache Readability Score

Spache Readability Index Level outputs the US Grade Level. So you want to aim for a score of 3 or below.

Linsear Write

Lower the score, easier to read. Score is based on polysyllable words and sentence length. Use shorter sentences and words with less syllables to lower the score or longer sentences with complex words to raise the score.

Rix Score

Lower the score, more readable by lower grade levels.

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